Friday, January 18, 2013

A New Change

Starting today I am going to have a different view on life. Some Things will be out of my life and I will be heart broken and some things will stay and those things I keep close

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Hats, Scarfs and a Surprise

Finally finished the super slouchy hat yesterday it's just way to cute. I surprised my mom at work with her new hat. Apparently the hat was a hit :)

 So now I'm working on a new project and I'm using different colors
Here is what the scarf looks like. Cute nao? lolfree crochet cowl pattern free crochet infinity scarf pattern

Saturday, January 5, 2013

My 2013 Resolutions

My Resolutions for 2013 are..

1. Im going to reach 115 pounds.
    1a. I am going to start eating more healthy and drink less soda :)
    1b. I am going to make more homemade foods and use my crockpot more.

2. Start paying of my debits, credit cards.
     2a. Start saving a portion of my money for my car, business and if I ever travel.

3. Start organizing my life.
    3a. Organize all my papers.
    3b. Attempt to organize my yarn, crocheting patterns.
    3c. Organize my business products.

4. Learn new crafts.
    4a. I know knitting is hard and its going to be harder because I know how to crochet but i like the challenge.

Crochet Half Day

So trying to find a cute slouchy hat crochet pattern is a little tuff especially a free pattern. But luckily I found this on the wonderful world of Pintrest. :) I know you all agree so here's the link to the Pintrest
Divine Hat and 9 more One Skein Crochet Hats for Women! Definitely need to make them all! {}

And here is the link to the pattern which is every easy and fast I'll post my finished product later this week

This is the slouchy hat pattern cute right? :)